Maha Unnatha Sakti Peethangal (35) by Mumbai Ramakrishnan (in Tamil), LKM Publications, 10, Ramachandra Street, T.Nagar, Chennai 600017. Pp.240; Rs.150.
This book by the renowned Bhagavatha and writer, Sri Ramkarishnan, is an extension to his earlier publication covering 16 Shakti Peethams in Tamil Nadu. The present book covers 35 Shakti Peethams, spread across kshetras from Trikonamalai in Sri Lanka to Tripura in the east, Jwalamukhi in Himachal Pradesh and Sarada Peetham in POK. The author, true to his style, has covered in detail in respect of each Shakti Peetham stories from Puranas and local beliefs, description of the temple including various shrines, and, also, importance of the kshetra, with citations from Samskrit Stotras as well as Tamil bhakti literature. The book has a further writeup on the eight Shiva Virattana Sthalas, followed by 108 Shakti Peetha Ashtottara Satanama Stotram, Sowbhagya Ashtottara Satanama Stotram and a table of 51 Akshara Shakti Peethas. A very useful, informative book.
Uttama Uddhava Shiva-Rama Gitamrutam by Mumbai Ramakrishnan (in Tamil), LKM Publications, 10, Ramachandra Street, T.Nagar, Chennai 600017. Pp.202; Rs.150.
This book contains a summary of the important principles expounded in Shiva Gita (taught by Shiva to Rama, which is part of Padma Puranam) and Uddhava Gita (taught by Krishna to Uddhava, which is part of Shrimad Bhagavatham). An overview of the teachings in Bhagavad Gita and Rama Gita (taught by Rama to Lakshmana, which is part of Adyatma Ramayanam) as well as a few Upanishads is also given. A brief writeup on the kshetra named Tirukkodikkaval in Tamil Nadu has been added. Topics including Advaita Vedanta, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, virtues, vices and deficiencies, methods of Sadhana, characteristics of Jivanmukta, stories (in Uddhava Gita) etc. have all been covered in brief. The book should serve as a good introduction to the complexities of Vedanta and should arouse the interest of the reader in studying the original text.
P. R. Kannan