The place of dharma in Itihaasa The central theme of the Valmiki Ramayana is dharma. Our itihasas feature situations full of human lessons. The characters uphold their dharma, face the…
We went on a short trip to see the temples in and around Vriddhachalam. The seed for the trip was sown when reading the story of Sundaramurti Nayanar, who got…
Melattur is about 18 kms from Thanjavur and it takes about 30 mins to reach, and it is about 4 kms from Thirukkarugavur, where the famous ‘Garbha Rakshambikai temple’ is…
Sloka 37 हतो वा प्राप्स्यसि स्वर्गं जित्वा वा भोक्ष्यसे महीम् | तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चय: || 2.37|| हतो वा प्राप्स्यसि स्वर्गं – if you lose your life fighting this war…
Swagata Patra – Translation Prayer to Pujyasri Shankaracharya Swamiji o f S h r i S h a n k a r a B h a g a…
Andhaparampara Nyaya || अन्धपरम्परान्याय || Nyayas in Sanskrit language are a great source of knowledge and also lead one to ‘mananam’ ( reflection) and ‘nididhyasanam’ (meditation) even when these are…
Sadāśiva Brahmendra Sarasvati has proved the infallible contents of the Yoga aphorisms by transforming them into his own practice. He lived a life of an ascetic and blessed the society…
Tirumurai meaning “Sacred Text” is the collection of Tamil hymns on Lord Siva composed by saints called Nayanars who lived from 5-12 CE in Tamil speaking South India. The Nayanars…
Anugraha Bhashanam of Paramapujya Jagadguru Shri Shankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamiji At National Seminar ‘Saptavidha Anupapatti Vimarsa’ organized by National Sanskrit University, Tirupati – April 2023 जय गोिवदभगवपादाज षपद जय…
Events at Sri Kanchi Sankara Matham Camp – Pictures (Front Cover) Kashmiri Pandits Sammelan at Bengaluru. Kumbabhishekam of Sri Kamakshi Ammavari temple at Jonnavada …
Skandha 10(2) िच जांिस िवममे पा थ वा यु ज मिभः । गुणकमा िभधानािन न मे ज मािन क ह िचत् ॥५१. ३८॥ It is perhaps probable that a person…
Skandha 10(2) िच जांिस िवममे पा थ वा यु ज मिभः । गुणकमा िभधानािन न मे ज मािन क ह िचत् ॥५१. ३८॥ It is perhaps probable that a person…
A glaring feature among the vast majority of today’s educated youth is their expression: “I am not afraid of anything. I know what is right.” This tendency of misplaced boldness…
Vol 49 – NO. 3 July September 2023 Raghuvamsa- 1 – 24 Editorial Anugraha Bhashanam of Paramapujya Jagadguru Shri Shankara Vijayendra Shankaracharya Swamiji at Tirupati – April 2023 Bhagavad Gita…
Shobakrut Samvatsara Chaturmasyam at Varanasi The Chaturmasya vratam of Pujyashri Shankaracharya Swamiji will be observed at Varanasi from 6 July to 29 Sep. 2023; Vyasa Pooja will be performed at…
Namaskaram! Have you ever wondered why we greet people by joining our hands together and bowing our head? Well, that’s Namaskaram also called as Namaskar or Namaste, a traditional way…
MAITHREEM BHAJATHA, compiled By Pujyasri Kanchi Mahaswami Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi in Samskritam couplets and rendered by Bharataratna M.S.Subbalakshmi at the United Nations General Assembly New York in the year 1966, is…
Yes. There is a grammar in nature but it is not restricted to rules pertaining to forming words and sentences in a language; on the other hand, it lays down…
Our Vedic scriptures have prescribed three main paths to attain spiritual fulfilment; the path of knowledge (Jnana), the path of detached action (Karma) and the path of discipline and meditation…