Kumbabhishekam – Sri Tiruveerattaneswarar Swami Temple – Kanchipuram (02-Jun-24)
With the blessings of Pujya Acharya Swamiji, Kumbabhishekam of Sri Tiruveerattaneswarar Swami Temple was performed at Kanchipuram. Pujyashri Acharya Swamiji blessed the devotees with Anugraha Bhashanam.
Book Release – Sri Mukapanchasha (2 vols) – 30 May 2024
As instructed by Pujyashri Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swamiji, a series of weekly lectures in English on explanation of Sri Mukapanchashati was delivered by Shri P. R. Kannan from Oct 2022 to Sep 2023 under the auspices of Sri Kamakoti Bhakti Kendra, US.
The lecture notes were ably collated and amplified by Smt Gayatri Sashi of US and edited by Sri P. R. Kannan. The notes have been published in book form in two volumes by Shree Vignesh & Co, Chennai. The books were released by Pujyashri Shankaracharya Swamiji on 30 May 2024 in Shrimatham.
Rathotsavam of Sri Varadaraja Swami – Kanchipuram (26-May-24)
Brahmotsavam of Sri Varadaraja Swami at Kanchipuram – Rathotsavam was performed. Flower garlands and other offerings were made by Pujyashri Acharya Swamiji at Shrimatam entrance in the morning. (Pictures on back cover)
131st Jayan Mahotsavam of Pujya Mahaswamigal – Kanchipuram (22 to 24 May 24)
Jayanti Mahotsavam of Jagadguru Pujyashri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Mahaswamigal was celebrated at Shrimatam, Kanchipuram, with Veda Parayanam, Vidwat Sadas, Upanyasam, Nama Sankeertanam, Nada Samarpanam etc.
On 24th May – Jayanti day – Rudra Parayanam- Japam- Homam commenced at 7 am. Visesha abhishekam, alankaram, archana and mahadeeparadhana was performed at the Adishtanam of Pujya Mahaswamigal.
Hindusim- A book on an Introduction to The Oldest Religion was released by Pujya Acharya Swamiji at the Brindavan at Shrimatam, Kanchipuram. The author of the book Sri Arvind Sitaraman submitted the book and received blessings.
Sangeeta Samarpanam was performed on the Mandolin by Sri Mandolin U Rajesh and group at the Brindavanams at Shrimatam, Kanchipuram in the evening on the Jayanti day.
131st Jayan Mahotsavam of Pujya Mahaswamigal – Tiruvanaikovil (24-May-24)
With the blessings of Pujya Acharya Swamiji, 131st Jayanti Mahotsavam of Pujyashri Kanchi Mahaswamigal was celebrated at Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam Jagadguru Vidyasthanam (Kanchi Shankara Matham), Thiruvanaikovil/Jambukeswaram, Tiruchirapalli, with visesha pujas, veda parayanam, chanting of shlokas, go-puja, discourses, Acharyal’s procession on an elephant, and various other spiritual and cultural programmes.
The Jayanthi Mahotsavam was celebrated in a grand manner in many centres in India and abroad.
Pournami Puja – Sri Kamakshi Ambal Devasthanam (23-May-24)
Pujya Acharya Swamiji visited Sri Kamakshi Ambal Devasthanam, #Kanchipuram and performed visesha pujas to Sri Kamakshi Amman coinciding with the Vasantotsavam being performed at the temple.
Shankara Jananotsava Poor (21-May-24)
On account of Sri Shankara Jayanthi – Jananothsava poorthi, Sri Kamakshi ambal along with Sri Adi Shankara utsavar came in procession from Sri Kamakshi Ambal devasthanam to Shrimatam. Pujya Acharya Swamiji performed visesha pujas and archana to Ambal and Acharyal (Pictures on back cover)
Pushpabhishekam at the Brindavanams – Shrimatam, Kanchipuram (13-May-24)
On the 30th day of Chitirai month Pushpanjali was performed to the brindavanams by Pujya Acharya Swamiji at Shrimatam, Kanchipuram. (Pictures on back cover)
Shri Shankara Bhagavatpada Prashas Sangraha (12-May-24)
It’s been 2500 years since Shri Bhagavatpada merging with the Parambika at Kanchi after having ascended the Sarvajna Peetam and established the Acharya Peetam for us.
In view of this, as per the ajna of Jagadguru Pujyashri Shankaracharya Swamigal, such a stuti compilation was published for the benefit of devotees.
PDFs in multiple scripts can be accessed at this link- https://bit.ly/shankara-prashasti
Sangeeta Mummortigal Jayanti – Carnatic Music festival at Thiruvarur – (09-May-24)
With the blessings of Acharya Swamiji, the Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam Carnatic Sangeeta Seva Trust organized a Carnatic Music Festival at Tiruvarur as part of the Jayanti Mahotsavam of the divine Sangeeta Trinity – Sri Tyagarabrahmam, Sri Syama Sastri and Sri Muthuswami Deekshitar, from 9th to 13th May 2024.
2533rd Shankara Jayanti Mahotsavam – Across India
Shankara Jayanti celebrations – Kanchipuram (08-May-24)
With the blessings of Acharya Swamiji, Sri Shankara Jayanti Mahotsavam was celebrated from 08-May to 12-May, with veda Parayanam, homam, visesha pujas, Sri Acharyal procession and other spiritual programmes. Acharyal was taken in procession from Shrimatam to Sri Kashi Vihswanatha Swami temple on the banks of the Sarvateertham tank with Veda Parayanam. Rudrabhishekam was performed. On return at Shrimatam, deeparadhana was performed and Totakashtakam was recited.
Acharya Swamiji distributed the Veda Poorthi Pariksha Certificates to the Veda Vidyarthis on Shankara Jayanthi day- 12th May 2024 at Shrimatam, Kanchipuram.
Pujya Swamiji conferred His Blessings on the Vidyarthis and their Gurus. Vidyarthis from various patasalas pursuing studies in the different branches of the Vedas had participated in the examinations conducted at Srimatam by the Veda Rakshana Nidhi Trust. Every year, the certificate distribution takes place twice – on the Shankara Jayanthi day and on Vijayadashami day. Pujya Swamiji blessed the devotees with Anugraha Bhashanam. Justice C .V Karthikeyan, Chief Guest, spoke on the occasion.
Rig Veda Homam at Kalady-Kerala (08-May-24)
Jayanti Mahotsavam of Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya- Rigveda (Samhita) homam was performed for eight days at Sri Adi Shankaracharya Keerti Sthambam, in Kalady, Kerala.
Shankara Jayanti Mahotsavam – Pune (08-May-24)
With the blessings of Acharya Swamiji, Sri Adi Shankaracharya Jayanti Mahotsavam was performed at Sri Adya Shankar Mandir, Pune from 8th to 12th May 2024. Various homam and Rigveda Parayanam were performed.
Shankara Jayanti Mahotsavam – Guwahati (12-May-24)
With the blessings of Acharya Swamiji, Sri Shankara Jayanthi Mahotsavam (Abhishekam & Aaradhana) was celebrated at Adi Shankaracharya Peetam (Durga Mandir), Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Pragjyotishpura Veda Pathshala – Purva Tirupathi Sri Balaji Mandir Complex.
Shankara Jayanti – Amritsar (12-May-24)
With the blessings of Acharya Swamiji, Sri Shankara Jayanthi Mahotsavam was celebrated with Rudrabhishekam, Havans, visesha pujas, lecture on Sri Adi Shankaracharya, and Bhajans & Keertans.
Sri Shankara Jayanti Mahotsavam – Ayodhya Shankara Math (12-May-24)
Sri Shankara Jayanti Mahotsavam was celebrated at Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam Shankara Math at Ayodhya from 12th to 16th May 2024.
Shankara Jayanti Mahotsavam – Kathmandu (12-May-24)
Sri Shankara Jayanti Mahotsavam was celebrated at Kathmandu, Nepal with visesha havans, Veda Parayanam and pujas from 8th to 12 May 2024.
Shankara Jayanti – Dhanghadi, Nepal (12- May-24)
Sri Shankara Jayanti Mahotsavam was celebrated at Sri Ram Janaki Mandir at Dhanghadi, Nepal with visesha havans, Veda Parayanam and pujas.
Shankara Jayanti Mahotsavam – Bhadrachalam (12-May-24)
Sri Shankara Jayanti Mahotsavam was celebrated at Bhadrachalam, Telangana.
Sri Shankara Jayanti – Ahmedabad (12-May-24)
Sri Shankara Jayanti Mahotsavam was celebrated on 12th May 2024 at Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Educational & Cultural Centre at Gota, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
Homam, and Abhishekam was performed in the morning hours in the temple prayer hall. In the evening, celebrations commenced with the launch of ‘Sri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswati- Samskruti, Hasta Vidya evem Kala Pathasala’. A book on Gou Mahima and Gou Samvardhan written by Shri Arun Shah was released.
Sri Shankara Jayanti celebrated – Tiruvanaikovil (12-May-24) Sri Adi Shankara Jayanthi Mahotsavam was celebrated at Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam Jagadguru Vidyasthanam (Kanchi Shankara Matham, Jambukeswaram, Tiruvanaikovil, Tiruchirapalli with various programmes.
Sri Shankara Jayanti – Srinagar, Kashmir
The Annual Shankara Jayanthi Utsavam was held at Srinagar in the divine precincts of Jyeshtha Mata Mandir, Srinagar, J&K. This is the 13th year since 2012 observed with piety & devotion.
This year, scholars from Southern India participated in the event and performed Veda Parayanams, Samaveda Parayanam with Ashtabrahmanam by senior scholars, Havans, Agnihotram, Ishtis, Ramayana Sundarakanda Parayanam, Laugakshi Gruhya Sutra Parayanam, Sampradaya Bhajans including Seetha Kalyanam as part of the Jayanthi celebrations.
The Kalasham with holy water kept from day one in the Yagnya Shala was poured on Jyeshtheshwara in the holy Shankaracharya Hill. The devotees visiting the shrine were distributed with Prasadams, Various books on philosophy and culture, and photos of Adi Shankara.
Sri Shankara Jayanti Utsavam was celebrated in a grand manner at various other centres in India and abroad.
Veda Patashala students from Sikkim visit Kanchipuram (05-May-24)
Students of Veda Patashala- Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Seva Samiti, Ranipool, Sikkim, visited various temples in Kanchipuram and the palm-leaf manuscript library at Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya (Kanchi University).
Jeeranodharana Mahotsavam of Sri Sureshwaracharyal Sannidhi at Shrimatam (03-May-24)
With benign blessings of Jagadguru Acharya Swamiji, Jeeranodharana Mahotsavam of Sri Sureshwaracharyal Sannidhi was performed on Friday, 3rd May 2024 – Sri Krodhi Chaitra Krushna Dashami – Shankara Samvat 2532. Acharya Swamiji performed abhishekam to Sri Anugnya Ganapati, Sri Adi Shankara and Sri Sureshwaracharya Sannidhis. (Pictures on back cover)
Veda Parayanam in Kerala
With blessings of Pujyashri Shankaracharya Swamigal, Veda Parayanam, stotra parayanam and visesha pujas were performed at Thali Mahadeva Kshetram in Angadippuram, Kerala on 27th and 28th April 2024.
Vasanta Navaratri – Srividya homam – Kanchipuram (17-Apr-24)
As part of Vasanta Navaratri, Srividya homam poornahuti was performed in the presence of Pujyashri Shankaracharya Swamiji at the yagashala at Shrimatam, Kanchipuram.
Sri Rama Navami celebrations at New Delhi Cultural Centre (17-Apr-24)
On the auspicious occasion of Sri Rama Navami, Namasankirtanam was presented by VSS BHAJAN MANDALI, Noida on 28th April at Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam Cultural Centre, New Delhi. Kritis on Sri Rama including Thodayamangalam, Gurudhyanam, Pooja, Mangala Harati were presented, followed by Prasadam.
Kamakoti Podcast Launched (15-Apr-24)
With the blessings of Acharya Swamiji, the KAMAKOTI PODCAST was launched. Astikas, now, can listen to the anugraha bhashanams and shlokas of Sri Kamakoti Acharya Triveni on spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Podcast and Amazon Music.
Sri Rama Navami Utsavam – Tiruvanaikovil (09-Apr-24)
Sri Rama Navami Srimad Valmiki Ramayana Moola Parayanam (Navaham) commenced at Shri Jagadguru Vidyasthanam (Shri Shankara Matham), Thiruvanaikoil/ Jambukeswaram, Tiruchirapalli
Kamakoti Podcast Launched (15-Apr-24)
With the blessings of Acharya Swamiji, the KAMAKOTI PODCAST was launched. Astikas, now, can listen to the anugraha bhashanams and shlokas of Sri Kamakoti Acharya Triveni on spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Podcast and Amazon Music.
Sri Rama Navami Utsavam – Tiruvanaikovil (09-Apr-24)
Sri Rama Navami Srimad Valmiki Ramayana Moola Parayanam (Navaham) commenced at Shri Jagadguru Vidyasthanam (Shri Shankara Matham), Thiruvanaikoil/ Jambukeswaram, Tiruchirapalli
Kamakoti Acharya Swamiji’s visit to Sri Kamakshi Ambal Devasthanam (05-Apr-24)
Acharya Swamiji visited Sri Kamakshi Ambal Devasthanam, Kanchipuram, and performed abhishekam and Visesha Pujas. After the pujas, Acharya Swamiji offered prayers at and performed Parikrama around the prakaram, accompanied by priests and devotees.
Pranapratistha Kumbhabhishekam Mahotsavam of Sri Vijaya Vinayaka Swamy – Amaravati (04-Apr-24)
With the benign blessings of Sri Acharya Swamiji, he Pranapratistha Kumbhabhishekam Mahotsavam of Sri Vijaya Vinayaka Swamy was performed at Shrimatam in Kolanukonda, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh. As part of 56th Jayanthi of Jagadguru Sri Sri Sri Shankara Vijayendra Saraswati Swamivaru, Rudra Ekadasini Homam, Maha Mrutyunjaya Homam, and Ayushya Homam were performed.
134th Aradhana Mahotsvam of the 65th Acharya at Ilayathangudi (03-Apr-24)
134th Aradhana Mahotsavam of the 65th Acharya of Sri Kanchi kamakoti Peetam Pujyashri Sudarshana Mahadevendra Saraswathi Swamigal at Ilayathangudi, Tamilnadu. Aradhana – Day 1 commenced with Rig veda parayanam, Ganapathi Homam and Avahanthi Homam. Day 3 program commenced with Avahanti Homam and Chatur- veda Parayanam.
Acharya Swamiji visited Sri Kanchi Mahaswami Vidyamandir, Chennai on 30 Mar. 2024 evening.
Veda Bhashya Sadas was held at Sri Ratnagireeswarar Temple in Chennai from 23 to 25 March 2024 with blessings of Pujyashri Shankaracharya Swamigal.
Kumbabhishekam at Sri Muthuswami Deekshitar Janmasthalam (24-Mar-24) With blessings of Pujyashri
Shankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamigal, Kumbabhishekam was performed at the Janmasthal of Sri Muthuswami Deekshitar at Tiruvarur, Tamilnadu. The Yagashala pujas concluded with poornahuti, and witnessed a significant turnout of devotees participating in the ceremony.
Sixth Varshika Aradhana Mahotsavam of Pujya Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal (22-Mar-24)
Kanchipuram: The sixth Aradhana Mahotsavam of Jagadguru Pujyashri Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamigal – the 69th Acharya of Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam was performed at His Holy Brindavanam at Shrimatam, Kanchipuram.
Veda Parayanam, havans and Vidwat Sadas were held at Shrimatam, Kanchipuram. The 3 day programme concluded on 22-Mar-24.
Sangeeta Samarpanam and Swarna Rathotsavam were performed in the evening. After harati at the adhistanams, the Swarna Rathotsavam was performed around the Raja Veethis. (Pictures on back cover)
Tiruvanaikovil: The Sixth Varshika Aradhana Mahotsavam of Pujya Jayendra Saraswathi Swamigal was observed with various religious and cultural programmes at Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam Jagadguru Vidyasthanam, Tiruvanaikovil Aradhana Mahotsavam of Pujyashri Jagadguru Jayendra Saraswathi Shankaracharya Swamigal was performed on Friday, 22nd March 2024 at Sri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam Cultural Centre, R K Puram Sector 1, New Delhi and at various other centres in India and abroad.
Pujya Acharya Swamiji arrives at Kanchi after Vijaya Yatra (20-Mar-24)
Acharya Swamiji arrived from Tirupati via Arakkonam at Kanchipuram, marking the conclusion of Vijaya yatra spanning almost two years covering places from Rameshwaram to Kashi and Ayodhya.
Acharya Swamiji was given Poornakumbham with Vedic recitation at the Sarvateertha kulam(tank). Prasadam from Sri Kamakshi Ambal Devasthanam, Sri Ekamranatha Swami temple and various temples were given.
Prashant Anantharamu