(As directed b y P aramapujya Jagadguru Shankaracharya Swamiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, this article is published to bring out the glory of Annabhishekam with references from Shaiva Agamas, kindly provided by Shri Somasekhara Sivachariar, Chennai. These passages are upadeshas of Shiva. Translation of Samskrit verses by P. R. Kannan.)
१२८.अ पूजािविधपटलः (पूव”कारणागमात)्
अथात स व यािम अ पूजािविध मम् |
अ ं ाणा4मकं 9-;l े ं सव”ज.:तु िति तम् || १ ||
त माद ािभषेकं तु मम ीितकरं शुभम् |
अ पं िवशेषेण मम पिमित मृतम् || २ ||
शा य मु मं ो ं ी ं म यमं भवेत् |
च पाकिवधानेन अचन”ाथ िह िव हे || ३ ||
स�ोऽिधवासनं कु या”4सव”कम”समाचरेत् |
पयसा 1ापये ा घृतेन मधुना ततः || ४ ||
ख डशक”रया प5:Jा4फलपु परसै ततः |
1ानं मूलेन कतO”ं 4येकं नववा रणा || ५ ||
शतम ो रं देयं कलशानां मेणतु |
स पू य धूपदीपाfद द वाCय�िलपूव”कम् || ६ ||
प5:Jाद ेन स पूय”िल गपीठं मेणतु |
द�ाि ानुसारेण भाराfददशभारकम् || ७ ||
स पू य मूलम.: ेण द वा य दयेनतु |
नैवे�ं दापये4प5:Jा4O�नाfदसमि.:वतम् || ८ ||
ह तो त”नता बूलं मुखवाससमि.:वतम् |
9-;l ीम4प�महाशiदं दप”णं छ चामरैः || ९ ||
गेयनृ कर तो ै स.:तो याCयिभव.:�च |
आचाय पूजये4प5:Jा4दि णां स दायच || १० ||
(Rules of Puja with Cooked Rice) (From Purvakaranagamam)
Chapter 128
Now I shall tell you the procedure of Annapuja. Annam (food) is indeed Prana (life breath), the best support in which all living beings are established. (1)
Hence Annabhishekam (ablution with rice) is very dear to me and auspicious. The form of Annam is said to be specially my form. (2)
For Archana in an image with rice cooked for oblation as per rules, Annam of rice is said to be the best; Annam with Vrihi (forest rice) is next preferred. (3)
In the image of Shiva, his presence should be invoked, all initial procedures should be followed, and the image should be bathed with milk, followed by curd, ghee and honey. (4)
The image should then be bathed with sugar candy, fruit and flower juices. Bathing should be done with chant of Mulamantra, from nine pots for each type of ablution. (5)
Ablutions from a total of 108 pots (kalashas) should be done in proper order. Puja followed by offering of incense (Dhupa) and lamp (Deepa) with folded hands should be done. (6)
Then the Linga with the base should be covered well with Annam (cooked rice) in order. Annam should be spread in front as per one’s financial capacity, may be, upto ten bharas (certain large measure). (7)
After doing Puja with Mulamantra, Arghya (respectful offering of water) should be given with devotion. Naivedya (of food items, fruits etc.), accompanied by cooked vegetables etc. should then be offered. (8)
Water for hand wash, Tambula (betel leaves, nut) with scented ingredients, playing of five great musical instruments, mirror, umbrella and chowries should be offered. (9)
Songs, dances and Stotras should be offered for pleasing Bhagavan, followed by prostrations. The Acharya should then be offered Puja and Dakshina. (10)
मास Oपूजािविधः (सू मत.: े) अथातः सं व यािम मासपूजािवfधं परम् | मासं ि िवधमाgयातं थूलं सू मिमित मृतम् ||
थूलं वै चापमासाfद वृि5:Jका.:तिमित मृतम् | उदयाददया.:त�य ल ं प रवत”ते ||
त4सू िमित िव ेयं सू ममासं भ�न |
Time for Puja with Cooked Rice (From Shaiva Agamas)
Twelve months classified (From Sukshmatantra)
Now let me tell you the rules of Puja in every month. Months are divided into two categories – Sthula (gross) and Sukshma (subtle). Sthula months are from Dhanurmasa (Margasirsha) upto Vrischikamasa (Karthika). When the Lagna at Sunrise changes, the period from start to end of that Lagna is known as Sukshma month. Monthly Puja is to be performed either in Sthula or Sukshma month.
ादशमासपूजान ािण (च.: ानागमे)
िच ा िवशाखा मूलंच चो राषाढमेवच |
�िव ा ो पाि9e.:यः कृ ि का थूले वा सू ममासे वा मासपूजा िवधीयते ||
ा”पुनव”सू | मघा चो रन ं मेषाfद ादश विप ||
Stars for Puja in twelve months (From Chandragnana Agama)
Starting from Mesha upto Mina, the star in each month for performing the special monthly Puja is as follows. Chitra, Visakha, Mula, Uttarashadha, Sravishtha, Purva Proshtapada, Asvini, Krittika, Ardra, P unarvasu, M agha and Uttara.
ादशमास Oािण (अ शुम .: े सू मत.: ेच )
माग”शीषnघृतं ो ं पु ये ौ ं श यते |
सघृतं क बलं कु भे तप ये दिध कpqत”तम् | मधुमासे दमनकं माधवे ग.:धपूजनम् | फलपूजा शु मासे ीरेणाषाढपूजनम् | नभोमासे शक”राच नभ येऽपूपपूजनम् |
अ पूजा तुलामासे का त”के दीपपूजनम् |
O मिमित ो ं त4स यांच ततःशृणु ||
Materials for Puja in Twelve months (From Ansumatantra and Sukshmatantra)
The materials for Puja are as follows.
Margasirsha – Ghee; Pushya (Thishya) – Honey;
Kumbha (Magha) – Kambala (wool) wetted with ghee;
Phalguna – Curd; Chitra – Damanaka (Marukkozhundu in Tamil); Vaishakha – Sandalpaste;
Jyeshtha – Fruits; Aashadha- Milk; Shravana – Sugar;
Bhadrapada – A pupa (Sweet Atirasam in Tamil); Aasvinam – Annam;
Kartika – Deepa (lamp).
मासपूजायाः Oािण – कारणागमो ािन च.:दनाfदषु ग.:धेषु पु यमासे िह पूजयेत् | घृतक बल माघ य फ गु.:यां पु पपूजनम् | सुमािन चै मास य वैशाख या पूजनम् |
ये मासे तु पूजायां प रपrफलािन च | आषाढे तु पिव ं यात् �ावणे ितलपूजनम् | पूवा”षाढेऽितलाज5:J आ9eमासे घृतािन वै | कृ ि कामािस दीप�माग”शीषnतु कु कु मम् | पु पमालाfद सवा”िण पूजयेत् तु िवशेषतः ||
Karanagama gives a slightly different list.
Margasirsha – Kunkum; Pushya (Thaishya) – Sandalpaste etc.;
Magha – Kambala (wool) wetted with ghee; Phalguna – flowers;
Chitra –Aashadha – Pavitram (Darbha grass/ honey/ ghee); Shravana – Til (sesame);
Bhadrapada – Sweet Cake; Aasvinam – Ghee; Kartika – Deepa (lamp).
In all months, flower garlands to be used. Type of flowers to be specially used in each month is also given.
मास Oपूजायाः कालिनण”यः (कािमकागमे)
ितिथ न संयोग यु ं दलभ”मु यते | (न
Special flowers; Vaisakha – Annam; Jyeshtha – Ripe fruits;
वार यगते ऋ े ितथौ वा योग संभवे ||
(पू ण”माितथौ वा)
Time of Monthly Puja (From Kamikagama)
The combination of Tithi and Star is difficult to get. (Star is to be preferred.) If star occurs twice in a month, Puja should be done when the star is in combination with Tithi (Poornima) or Yoga.
मास Oाच”ने िवशेषकालिविधः (अ शुम .: े)
अयना�ु कालेषु त.:मास Oकै य”जेत् |
एकमासे ि न े योरिप च पूजयेत् ||
Prescribed Time of Puja in Monthly Pujas (From Anshumatantra)
When Ayana etc. occur, do Puja with material prescribed for that month’s Puja.
If Nakshatra (star) occurs twice in a month, do Puja on both days.
कालिवशेषः – प�पवा”िण – कालादश
चतुद{“य मी प ये दश”5:Jपू ण”मा |
स ाि.:त5:Jेित पवा”िण प� ा म”हष”यः ||
Five Parvas (sacred days) (from Kaladarsha)
Maharshis have pointed out five sacred days in every month – Chaturdashi and Ashtami in both Pakhas – Krishna paksha and Shukla paksha, Amavasya, Poornima, Sankranti (the time of entry of Surya in a new Rashi).
आ9eयुजमास अ पूजािविधपटलः (उ रकारणागमे 41)
अथ व ये िवशेषेण अ पूजािव धं शृणु |
अ ाfद सवस”ौभा यं राजरा ािभवृि दम् || तुलारािशगते भानौ त.:मासे शु लप के | पव”यु ं अयु ं वा अि9eनी ऋ मेव वा ||
अ पूजाथ त डुलाfद समपण”िविधः (उ रकारणे)
न कु ल संकाशं सह थ संयुतम् | त याध वा तदध वा सव” Oं समाददेत् || आचाय”सि धौ थाCय सव” Oं समाददेत् | पाचकाचाय”मा य िशवभ सुशीलकम् |
िशवदी ायुतं शैवं पाचकाचाय”सि धौ | दापयेत् सव “Oािण भा डम ेण ालयेत् || (इ4याfदपचनिविधः)
O�नं पाचयेत् चैव अपपां5:J ब न् िवधान् | पूव”वत् क पयेत् प5:Jात् आ येनैव प रCलुतम् ||
पशा” तं ततः कृ 4वा प रचारकम तके |
िनवे{य तूय”वा�ै5:J ादि य मेण वा | (उ रकारणागमे)
Annapujavidhi in Aasvayuja (Aippasi in Tamil) (From Uttarakaranagama)
I shall now tell you the special rules of Annapuja. Annapuja bestows all auspicious things including Annam and development of king and the nation. Annapuja should be done when Surya is in Tula Rashi in Sukla paksha in combination with Poornima or with Asvini star.
On the auspicious star day, 1000 measures of rice, or half of that, or even half of it, along with other required materials shall be gathered in the presence of Acharya. Then the chief cook, who is devotee of Shiva, of good character, having had Sivadiksha, follower of Shaiva customs, should be called and all materials shall be handed over to him for cooking, and the cooking vessel shall be washed with Astra mantra.
Along with rice, vegetables etc. together with Apupas (Sweet Atirasas in tamil) of many types shall be cooked and copious ghee applied. After doing Sparshahuti, the cooked materials should be kept on the head of the cook to the accompaniment of sounds of musical instruments and taken in circumambulation round the Garbhagriha.
द ादशमासपूजायाः पृथक् पृथक् उपचारािण (सू मत.: े)
पा�माचमनं चा य 1ानं व ं िवलेपनम् |
(अंशुमत.: े 28 भेदाः)
भूषणं चैव पु पं च धूपं दीपं िनवे�कम् | व†नेरायतनं चैव सिमदा ितकं जपः |
पानीयं मुखवासं च गेयं नृ ं च वा�कम् |
प ं म.: िवधानं च क पयेत् तान् पृथक् पृथक् ||
मासपूजायाः अ ा वंशित यो य Oािण – अंशुम .: े
पा�माचमनं चा य 1ानं वास9eच.:दनम् | भूषणं पु पकं चैव धूपदीपं िनवे�कम् || Oजनं चैव पानीयं मुखवासं तथैव च | रागं गीतं च नृ ं च तालं वा� मं तथा || म.: ं प िवधानं च म डलं कु ड मेव च |
िव9eधािन5:J सिमधो होम 5:Jैव जप तथा ||
Oा येतािन सवा”िण व येऽहं तु पृथक् पृथक् |
List of Special Upacharas (services) during Monthly Pujas (From Sukshmatantra)
Paadyam (water for washing feet), Aachamanam (water for sipping), Arghyam (respectful oblation), Snanam (bath), Attire for wearing, Unguents like sandalpaste, ornaments, flowers, incense, lighted lamp, naivedyam (food offerings), Homakunda, Samit (fuel stick), Aahuti (oblation in fire), Japa, water for drinking, betel leaves with fragrance, singing, dancing, musical instruments, Mantrapushpam.
Ansumatantra lists 28 such similar upacharas.
मासपूजाहाि”न षड्ऋतु म डलािन – कारणागमे
म डलं वेfदको व तु वस.:ताfद च षड्ऋतु |
वस.:ते वि तकाiजं च ी मे तु सवभ” कम् |
ावृट् च भ मा यातं िल गाiजं वि तकं तथा |
शर�ेव तु हम.:ते पाव”तीका.:तम डलम् | प वि तकमा यातं िशिशरे तु िवशेषतः ||
Mandalas in Monthly Pujas as per Ritu (From Karanagama)
- The Mandalas to be drawn on the top of the Homakunda in the six Ritus like spring:
- In Vasanta ritu (spring) – Svastika lotus; S ummer ( Grishma) – Sarvabhadraka;
- Rainy season (Pravrit) – Bhadra, Linga lotus, Svastika;
- Autumn (Sharad) and Cold (Hemanta) – Parvatikanta;
- Freezing cold (Sisira) – Lotus, Svastika
मासपूजायां िवशेष पूजािविधः मेषाfद मीनपय”.:तं एका वे सित पूजने | पूजां मासfदने कु या”त् पूव”रा े समाचरेत् | ष म डलं समापा� Oा यCयिधवासयेत् | अ ं पु पं फलं चैव लाजापूप समि.:वतम् | ग.:धं स�ोऽिधवासं च अ.:येषां पूव”रा के | स�ोिधवासनं चे ु च ं यागं िवनाऽचरेत् |
कु भे सा ेऽिधवास यात् पूजा मासाfदषु मात् |
थापनं यजनं चैव योजनं च मेण तु ||
Additional Puja Instructions
From Mesha month to Meena month, if Puja is done on only one day in the year, Puja should be done on the specified day in the month. In the previous night, the six Mandalas should be drawn and all Puja materials shall be gathered and kept separately, except Annam, flowers, fruits, parched rice, Apupa and sandalpaste, which shall be prepared and kept on the same day. Annam may be prepared without preparing in sacrificial fire (Yaga – Homa). If Annam is prepared in Kumbha month without Homa fire, altar may be established in the next month, followed by use of Homa fire in the following month.
ादशमासेषु मास Oपूजाफलम् (सू मत.: े)
घृतपूजातु मो ाय ौ मायु व”वध”नम् |
घृतक बलयाग5:J ेमारो यकरो भवेत् || दिध पु वृि याद् दमनं �ीकरं भवेत् | सालो यं लभते ग.:धात् फलिम ाथ”िसि दम् || श ुनाशकरं ीरं गुलं ीितफल दम् |
अपूपं धनलाभाथ अ ं अ ाfद कामदम् ||
ह4याfद दोष ं दीपदानं भ�न ||
Fruit of monthly Puja with different Materials (From Sukshmatantra)
Puja with ghee bestows Moksha (Liberation); Honey – long life; Kambala wetted in ghee – prosperity and good health; Curd – birth of sons; Damana (Marukkozhundu in Tamil) – glory;
Sandalpaste – Salokya (life in the same realm with Shiva);
Fruit – fulfilment of desires; Milk – destruction of enemies;
Jaggery (or sugar) – desired fruits;
Apupa (sweet Atirasam in Tamil) – wealth;
Annam (cooked rice) – Desires including Annam;
Deepa (lamp) – Removal of sins like killing of brahmana.
मासपूजायाः फलम् – कारणागमे सव”पापहरं चैव सवश”ाि.:तकरं शुभम् | सव”श ु यकरं सव”य फल दम् |
सव”Oािध शमनं सवध”ी कp त”वध”नम् | आयुः �ीकp त”िवजयं मासपूजा फलंि4वदम् ||
Fruits of Puja (from Karanagama)
Monthly Puja removes all sins, bestows complete peace, auspiciousness, destroys all enemies, grants the fruit of all yagnas, cures of all diseases, develops fame of intellect in all ways, and confers long life, glory, fame and victory.
अ ािभषेक शंसा – पूव”कारणागमे ओदना ािभषेक.:तु आयुरारो यवध”नम् | अ ं ाणा4मकं �े ं सव”ज.:तु िति तम् | त माद ािभषेक.:तु मम ीित दायकम् | अ पं िवशेषेण मम पं ि धा मृतम् | अ पूजा परं �े ं न भूतं न भिव यित | त मात् सव “य ेनाCय ैर ािभषेचनम् ||
Glory of Annabhishekam (From Purvakaranagama)
Annabhishekam bestows long life and good health. Annam is verily Prana (life breath) and hence the best; all living beings are established in Annam. Hence Annabhishekam is specially pleasing to me. Annam is indeed my form; my form is twofold – Linga and Annam. There has never been in the past and never will be in the f uture g reater Puja than Annabhishekam. Hence Annabhishekam should be done with Annam with all efforts.